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Showing 50 entities | Page 43 of 119 | 5,906 total entities

Symbol Name Type Industry Country
SGDBGN SGD/BGN currency N/A global
SGDBIF SGD/BIF currency N/A global
SGDCVE SGD/CVE currency N/A global
SGDKHR SGD/KHR currency N/A global
SGDXAF SGD/XAF currency N/A global
SGDCAD SGD/CAD currency N/A global
SGDKYD SGD/KYD currency N/A global
SGDCLF SGD/CLF currency N/A global
SGDCLP SGD/CLP currency N/A global
SGDCNY SGD/CNY currency N/A global
SGDCOP SGD/COP currency N/A global
SGDCOU SGD/COU currency N/A global
SGDKMF SGD/KMF currency N/A global
SGDCDF SGD/CDF currency N/A global
SGDNZD SGD/NZD currency N/A global
SGDCRC SGD/CRC currency N/A global
SGDHRK SGD/HRK currency N/A global
SGDCUC SGD/CUC currency N/A global
SGDCUP SGD/CUP currency N/A global
SGDANG SGD/ANG currency N/A global
SGDCZK SGD/CZK currency N/A global
SGDDKK SGD/DKK currency N/A global
SGDDJF SGD/DJF currency N/A global
SGDDOP SGD/DOP currency N/A global
SGDEGP SGD/EGP currency N/A global
SGDSVC SGD/SVC currency N/A global
SGDERN SGD/ERN currency N/A global
SGDETB SGD/ETB currency N/A global
SGDFKP SGD/FKP currency N/A global
SGDFJD SGD/FJD currency N/A global
SGDXPF SGD/XPF currency N/A global
SGDGMD SGD/GMD currency N/A global
SGDGEL SGD/GEL currency N/A global
SGDGHS SGD/GHS currency N/A global
SGDGIP SGD/GIP currency N/A global
SGDGTQ SGD/GTQ currency N/A global
SGDGBP SGD/GBP currency N/A global
SGDGNF SGD/GNF currency N/A global
SGDGYD SGD/GYD currency N/A global
SGDHTG SGD/HTG currency N/A global
SGDHNL SGD/HNL currency N/A global
SGDHKD SGD/HKD currency N/A global
SGDHUF SGD/HUF currency N/A global
SGDISK SGD/ISK currency N/A global
SGDIDR SGD/IDR currency N/A global
SGDXDR SGD/XDR currency N/A global
SGDIRR SGD/IRR currency N/A global
SGDIQD SGD/IQD currency N/A global
SGDILS SGD/ILS currency N/A global
SGDJMD SGD/JMD currency N/A global